The Liturgical Institute is seeking to locate the copies of the periodical Notitiae published by the Consilium/Congregation for Divine Worship, numbers 10--22 (1974- 1982) and 34-47 (1988-2010) to complete this collection. If any reader has copies or even a complete run of the periodical that they no longer need and wish to sell or donate please send an email Fr James Leachman with details: jleachman AT mac DOT com … [Read more...]
Prefaces: Bibliography
May 7, 2012 by
The following bibliography is recommended for the study of prefaces. Abbreviations: EL = Ephemerides Liturgicae LMD = La Maison‑Dieu QL = Questions Liturgiques (et Paroissiales) RL = Rivista Liturgica SE = Sacris Erudiri Henry Ashworth, `Praefationum fontes novarum liturgici, biblici et patristici', EL 82 (1968) 430‑444. Henry Ashworth, `The New Prefaces', The Clergy Review 53 (1968) 839‑860. R. Avery, `A Preview of the New Prefaces', Worship 42 … [Read more...]