Dom Henry Ashworth OSB (1914-1980)
Let us do justice to the foundational and pioneering work of the many in the last one hundred and fifty years who have been involved in this project.
One notable contributor from the Solesmes Congregation in England was Dom Henry Ashworth of Quarr Abbey. He wrote many articles and contributed to the preparation of Latin orations in the Missale Romanum of Pp Paul VI (1970, 1975, 2002, 2008, editio emendata).
“I temi del nuovo Lezionario patristico. Avvento – Natale – Epifania”, Rivista liturgica 59 (1972) 677-705.
“Le nuove messe per i defunti nel Messale Romano di Paolo VI”, Rivista liturgica 58 (1971) 354-381.
“Some Missal Prayers in the Light of Pauline Theology”, Liturgy 32 (1963) 34-71.
“The Liturgical Prayers of St Gregory the Great”, Traditio 15 (1959) 107-161.
‘Gregorian Elements in the Gelasian Sacramentary’, in EL 67 (1953) 9-23.
‘The Influence of the Lombard Invasions on the Gregorian Sacramentary’, in The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester 36 (1954) 305-327.
‘Did St Gregory the Great compose a Sacramentary?’ in Kurt Aland & Frank Leslie Cross, Studia Patristica II, Papers presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955, Part 2, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1957 (= Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Band 64 [= Reihe V, Band 9]), 3-16.
‘Gregorian Elements in Some Early Gallican Service Books’, in Traditio 13 (1957) 431-443.
‘Did St Augustine bring the «Gregorianum» to England ?’, in EL 72 (1958) 39-43.
‘In Quest of the Primitive «Gregorianum»’, in EL 72 (1958) 319-322.
‘The Liturgical Prayers of St Gregory the Great’, in Traditio 15 (1959) 107-161.
‘Further Parallels to the «Hadrianum» from St Gregory the Great’s Commentary on the First Book of Kings’, in Traditio 16 (1960) 364-373.
‘The Psalter Collects of Pseudo-Jerome and Cassiodorus’, in The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester 45 (1963) 287-304.
‘«Et cum spiritu tuo»: An Inquiry into its Origin and Meaning’, in Clergy Review 51 (1966) 122-130.
‘The Relationship between Liturgical Formularies and Patristic Texts’, in Frank Leslie Cross (ed.), Studia Patristica VIII, Papers presented to the Fourth International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford 1963, Part II, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1966 (= Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Band 93) 149-155.
‘Practical Commentaries on Some Prayers of the Missal’, in Placid Murray (ed.) Studies in Pastoral Liturgy, Volume Three, The Furrow Trust/ Gill, Dublin, 1967, 74-115.
‘The Collect, Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany’, in Liturgy [Quarterly of the Society of St Gregory] 36 (1967) 89-91.
‘Sacramentaries’, in New Catholic Encyclopedia, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York, 1967, vol. 12, 792-800.
‘The New Prefaces’, in Clergy Review 53 (1968) 839-860.
‘The Prayers for the Dead in the Missal of Paul VI’, in EL 85 (1971) 3-15.
‘Le nuove messe per i defunti nel Messale Romano di Paolo VI’, in RL 58 (1971) 354-381.
‘The New Patristic Lectionary’, in EL 85 (1971) 306-322.
‘Les sources patristiques du nouveau Missel Romain’, in Questions liturgiques 4 (1971) 295-304.
‘The Prayer of the Church in the Twentieth Century’, in The Way Supplement 16 (Summer 1972) 80-88.
‘A Proposed Monastic Lectionary: References and Themes [V. Sollemnitates Domini tempore per annum occurrentes; VI. Tempus per annum: Hebdomadae I-IX]’, in EL 92 (1978) 88-110.
‘The Influence of St Cyprian on the Composition of Two Prayers of the Gelasian
Sacramentary’, in Eulogia, Miscellanea Liturgica in onore di P. Burkhard Neunheuser, (= Studia Anselmiana, 68. Analecta Liturgica, 1), Roma, 1969, 21-29.
‘Books, Liturgical, 3. Medieval and Roman Catholic, (1) Medieval’, in John Gordon Davies (ed.), A New Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship, SCM, London, 1986, 98-100.
Collaboration in A Word in Season: An Anthology of Readings from the Fathers for General Use, Volume I, Talbot Press, Dublin, 1973.
Collaboration in A Word in Season: An Anthology of Readings from the Fathers for General Use, Volume II, Talbot Press, Dublin, 1974.
C. Johnson, “The liturgical scholarship of Dom Henry Ashworth (1914-1980)”,
Ephemerides Liturgicae 104 (1990/4-5), 299-338.
© James Leachman, O.S.B., 6 March 2011