illuminated manuscript of Easter Sunday, Farnborough Abbey
Purpose: The library curators are people who endow St Bede library with books, with funds for purchasing books or funds for managing the library.
Management: The monetary donations are kept in a restricted fund held at Ealing Abbey Trust, registered charity No: 242715.
Status: The library fund is recently established and is seeking initial investment.
Giving: You may make your donation to “Ealing Abbey“, specifying it for the St Bede Library.
Donors or “Curators of St Bede Library”
We are most grateful to our many donors of books and supporters.
Purpose: The library curators are people who endow St Bede library with books, with funds for purchasing books or funds for managing the library.
Management: The monetary donations are kept in a restricted fund held at Ealing Abbey Trust, registered charity No: 242715.
Status: The library fund is recently established and is seeking initial investment.
Donors of books to the library:
We are very grateful for the generous donation of books given by:
Professor Ephrem Carr OSB (President emeritus of the Pontifical Liturgy Institute, Rome) for a large donation in 2014 of reference works, periodicals and text books relating to Eastern Liturgies.
Canon Martin John Banister (St Alban’s Abbey) and his wife Kate Banister for many books representing the Anglican patrimony (2012).
Fr Brian Taylor for a virtually complete set of the Alcuin Club Collections (2012).
Dr Basilius and Mrs Anna Groen for their contribution to the Byzantine collection.
Abbot Cuthbert Brogan and the community of Farnborough Abbey, Hampshire, donated numerous bound volumes of Ephemerides Liturgicae and multiple bound volumes of La Maison Dieu (September 2013).
Computers and electronic card cataloguing system are a recent gift from the Sisters of Charity (2014).
We are grateful for a loan from St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough, of numerous choice volumes of the Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (2014).
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 15 November 2015