ABTAPL meeting & visit

ABTAPL 2015 AGMlogo

We are honoured to welcome Carol Reekie & ABTAPL

to St Bede Library and Benedictine Study & Arts Centre for the 2015 Annual meeting of ABTAPL on Thursday 12 November 2015


M. Mazuk

Annual General Meeting
A visit to St Bede Library, with Melody Mazuk, longtime member of the Association and Director of Library Development at ReSource Leadership International.

The Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, an organisation formed to help those working in libraries containing theological, philosophical and related materials by sharing information and experience.

The Association provides for its members an informal network for consultation, advice and support in both individual and continuing professional problems.

© James Leachman, O.S.B.,  10 June 2015