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To arrange for a consultation contact: Ann-Marie Ryan at
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E-mail: il AT bsac.ac DOT uk
501 Latin Verbs
ACC 60 Confirmation Then and Now
ACC Alcuin Club Collections
After Writing: On the Liturgical Consummation of Philosophy
Can the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches Be Reconciled?
Cassell’s Latin Dictionary: Latin-English, English-Latin copy 1
Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: Syllabus of Liturgical Formation for Those Setting Up Courses in Liturgy
Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, Schillebeeckx
Christian Liturgy 1: Theology
Christian Worship in East and West: A Study Guide
Christian worship its origin and evolution. A study of the Latin Liturgy up to the Time of Charlemagne
The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great
Clashing Symbols
The Collects of the Day 1: Advent to Whitsun Day
The Collects of the Day 2: Trinity to Advent
Creativity within Continuity: the ICEL Scriptural collects
Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Do This: liturgy as performance
Doors to the Sacred
The Early Liturgy
Ecclesia Jadertina: La cattedrale di S. Anastasia de Zadar, Analisi liturgico – architettura
Glaube und Sakramente der Koptischen Kirche
Habeamus gratiam
HBS Henry Bradshaw Society
HBS 53 The Bobbio Missal: A Gallican Mass-Book (MS. Paris. Lat. 13246), Facsimile
HBS 58 The Bobbio Missal: A Gallican Mass-Book (MS. Paris. Lat. 13246) text
HBS 59 The Bobbio Missal: A Gallican Mass-Book (MS. Paris. Lat. 13246) Notes and Studies
HBS Subsidia 1 The History of the Early Roman Liturgy
History of the Liturgy: The major stages
The Holy Eucharist
ILP 16 Carlo Rossi (1890-1960) “Sacrae Liturgiae Cultor et Amplificator eximius”
ILP 31 Il sacramento del matrimonio in rituali italiani a stampa del xvi secolo
ILP 32 Il Movimento Liturgico e la “receptio” dell’evento conciliare in polonia
Interpretation of the Bible in Church
J.D. Crichton’s Significance for Pastoral Liturgy in England: 2
The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy
L’assemblea liturgica: ricerca teologica en el pensament d’Aime Georges Martimort
La Cura Pastorale in Antiochia nel IV secolo
La Spiritualité de l’Avent à travers les Collectes
Le mouvement liturgique: Témoignage et souvenirs
A Lexicon of Terms in the Missale Romanum
Lights in the Darkness: Forerunners of the Liturgical Movement
Liturgiereformen 1: Historische Studien zu einem bleibenden Grundzug des christlichen Gottesdienstes
Liturgiereformen 2: Historische Studien zu einem bleibenden Grundzug des christlichen Gottesdienstes
The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource, rev.
The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource, vol 1
The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource, vol 2
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th Edition
Méditations sur les oraisons du temps de Noël
Méditations sur les oraisons du temps du Carême
Meeting Mystery: Liturgy, Worship, Sacraments
The Monk’s Tale: A Biography of Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B.
Natural Symbols
The Nature of Doctrine
Neues oder Übersetzes Wort? Untersuchungen zur deutschen liturgischen gebetssprache
New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship
Nuovo Dizionario di Liturgia
The Origins of the Modern Roman Liturgy
Oxford History of Christian Worship
The Paschal Mystery
A Phenomenological Understanding of Certain Liturgical Texts: The Anglican Collects for Advent and the Roman Catholic Collects for Lent
PIL 45 A Theology for Architecture: An Analysis o f the Theological Principles Applicable to Church Building in the Postconciliar Renewal
PIL 91 O Movimento Liturgico no Brasil (Estudo Historico)
PIL 97 The Mystery of Christ and the Church in the Dedication of a Church
PIL 103 The Celebration of the Baptism of the Lord
PIL 118 The Language of Eucharistic sacrifice: immolare and immolatio – copy 1
PIL 118 The Language of Eucharistic sacrifice: immolare and immolatio – copy 2
PIL 132 Elementi di teologia liturgica nelle maggiori catechesi mitagogiche del quarto secolo
PIL 134 La liturgia de las horas monastica renovada en el directorio
PIL 136 The Blessing of Baptismal Water at the Paschal Vigil (Ge 444-448)
PIL 139 The Principle of Active Participation of the Faithful in Sacrosanctum Concilium
PIL 140 The Lector: Minister of the Word
PIL 147 The Liturgical Preaching of St Leo the Great
PIL 149 The Baptismal Font: A study of the patrisic and liturgical texts
PIL 153 Sviluppo della Teologia dell’Anno Liturgico: dall’inizio del movimento liturgico alla riflessione contemporanea
PIL 158 A Study of the rite of religious profession in India
PIL 159 L’Eveque dans la vie liturgique dans l’eglise locale SC 41
PIL 160 Eucharistic Concelebration and Vatican II
PIL 176 The Roman Funeral Liturgy: History, Celebration and Theology
PIL 180 Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1951)
PIL 187 Liturgy as Locus theologicus of sacramental theology
PIL 188 The Latin Rite Deacon
PIL 190 The Ministry of a Liturgical Artist
PIL 239 Ordo admissionis valide iam baptizatorum in plenam communionem ecclesiae catholicae
PIL 241 The Renewal of the Church by the Paschal Mystery
PIL 261 Induere Christum – published as BEL 108
PIL 262 La iniciacion cristiana en el africa del siglo IV – copy 1
PIL 262 La iniciacion cristiana en el africa del siglo IV – copy 2
PIL 263 Sacerdos in the presbyteral Ordination Prayers
PIL 264 Die Entwicklung des Roemischen Messritus im ersten Jahrtauend anhand der Ordines romani
PIL 265 La Spiritualita liturgica negli scritti dell’abate Salvatore Marsili, O.S.B.
PIL 267 Hae Aedes Mysterium Adumbrat Ecclesiae
PIL 271 Comple, Domine, in sacerdotibus tuis ministerii tui summam: Presbiterato ed episcopato nel GeV
PIL 280 “Spiritus sanctus” in Sections X-XI of he Veronense
PIL 286 Scitis illum esse dignum? A study of the structure of the presentation of the bishop elect
PIL 294 Liturgia paenitentialis opus Trinitatis
PIL 302 Mystagogy as Paradigm
PIL 302b Mystagogy as Paradigm
PIL 303 The Post-Conciliar Preparation of the Gifts
PIL 307 Christus heri et hodie. Le domeniche di Avvento nel Messale romano 1975
PIL 309 L’Anamnesi eucaristica:
PIL 310 Healing of the Total person through the Sacrament of Anointing
PIL 311 A Theology for a Parish Communiy: A Reading of the Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiae PIL 311 A Theology for a Parish Communiy: A Reading of the Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiae PIL 311 A Theology for a Parish Communiy: A Reading of the Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiae copy 2
PIL 311 A Theology for a Parish Communiy: A Reading of the Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiae – copy 1
PIL 314 A Contemporary Mystagogical Catechesis for Sacrament as Gift/Giving
PIL 316 The sources of the Orations of The Missale Parisiense of 1738: A study and concordances
PIL 326 Le collette del Salmo 126 (127)
PIL 327 Edmund Bishop and the Genius of the Roman rite
PIL 327b Edmund Bishop and the Genius of the Roman rite
PIL 329 Rites of Initiation in Anglican and Methodist Churches in relation to the Anglican-Methodist dialogue
PIL 335 The Eucharist as Oblatio and Sacrificium in the Latin fathers -copy 1
PIL 335 The Eucharist as Oblatio and Sacrificium in the Latin fathers -copy 2
PIL 348 The Eucharist as Memorial of the New Covenant
PIL 353 The Mass texts dedicated to St John the Evangelist as found in Ve 1273-1283
PIL 355 Battezzati in Spirito Santo
PIL 357 Praesidendi coetui sedes ad munus orationemque dirigendi : copy 2
PIL 357 Praesidendi coetui sedes ad munus orationemque dirigendi : quattor rationes prospectusque solus
PIL 359 Obsecro tibi primum omnium fieri obsecrationes, oraiones, … (1Tim 2,1)
PIL 361 I Tre Sussidi per i tre salmi 137, 138, 139
PIL 365 Kalwarie dei Frati Minori Riformati in Polonia:
PIL SA 82 Il Cardinale Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa e gli inizi della scienza liturgica
PIL SA 89 Prosper Gueranger (1805-1875): A Liturgical Theologian
PIL SA 120 Il card. Ferdinando Antonelli e gli sviluppi della riforma liturgica dal 1948 al 1970
PIL SLL “Infusion or Immersion?: The Revival of the Celebration of Baptism by Immersion after the Second Vatican Council in the Light of the Liturgical Sources
PIL SLL Formation for Full, Conscious and Active Participation in Liturgy: Ecclesiological and Pastoral Dimensons of OICA
PIL SLL Giovanni Paolo II e la sua spiritualita litugica: un’indagine ….
PIL SLL La Spiritualité de la Messe de Paul VI: Fond de Vitalité pour l’Eglise
PIL SLL Liturgical Preaching in Malawi according to the Second Vatican Council
PIL SLL The Fourfold Shape of the Mass as Key in Understanding the meetings of the SCC in the Diocese of Issele Uku, Nigeria
PIL xxx Charlemagne and Baptism
PIL xxx From Freedom to Formula: The Evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer from Oral Improvisation to Written Texts
PIL xxx Invocation des Ancetres selon le missel Romain pour les dioceses du Zaire: Point de Repere pour une Inclturation continue des liturgies africaines
PIL xxx Le Mouvement et le renouveau liturgique belge appendice: Liste des semaines liturgiques
The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer
Prex Eucharistica – Textus e Variis Liturgiis Antiquioribus Selecti
Purity and Danger
The Reform of the Liturgy 1948-1975
A Ritual Controversy in the Victorian Church of England
The Ritual of the New Testament
Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith
SA 168 Return to Grace: the postconciliar catholic discussion of Infant Baptism in the US: a report and a response
SA 185 The presence of Christ in the Liturgical Life of the Church according to St Ambrose of Milan
The Sacraments Revisited: What do they mean today?
The Sacraments, An Interdisciplinary Study
The Sacraments: Readings in Contemporary Sacramental Theology
The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship
A Short History of the Western Liturgy
The Study of Liturgy: copy 1 IL
Vatican Council II, Vol 1: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, Study Edition
Vatican Council II, Vol 2: More Post-Conciliar Documents
The Western Liturgy and Its History
What Is Liturgical Theology?: A Study in Methodology
St Bede Library
74 Castlebar Road,
Ealing, London W5 2DD, UK
To arrange for a consultation contact: Ann-Marie Ryan at
+44 (0)208 862 2156 fax +44 (0)208 862 2133
E-mail: il AT bsac.ac DOT uk
The library is located at the Benedictine Study and Arts Centre located here