The Franciscan International Study Centre in Canterbury, Kent, is closing after many years of service to the church. Their considerable library is being given new life here and there.
Thank you, very much, to Chris Dyczek OFM for a wonderful donation of:
La Maison Dieu, the entire series
Orate Fratres early volumes
Questions Liturgiques early volumes
Dictionaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastique
The English historical review
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses
Ephemerides liturgicae
Acta apostolicae sedis
The Catholic periodical and literature index
Monasticon Anglicanorum
Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur
Bullarum Romanum
Analecta iuris pontificii
Opera omnia sancti Basilii
Various dictionaries of Latin and Greek
In addition the fantastic fifty some volumes of the Documents of Vatican II including the records of the Pre-Conciliar and Conciliar speeches and discussions:
Acta et documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II apparando:
Series 1 (Antepraeparatoria)
Series 2 (Praeparatoria)
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II.
All these are vitally helpful to our research and to our students.
Students of Canon law may appreciate the following contributions:
The Jurist
Studia Canonica
For the study of scripture we received the following:
Biblica among others
We are also deslighted to have met Chris Dyczek OFM and learn a bit of his life’s contribution.
Chris Dyczek holds a B.A. in Philosophy, and an MA in Historical Theology from Fordham University. In 2009 he obtained a PhD in Memory and Journey Symbolism from St. Mary’s University, Twickenham. He has taught GCE English and African Literature in a Malawian secondary school. He has lectured in Church History, and at the University of Kent, he taught courses on Early Christian Writers, the Formulation of Christian Doctrine, and Theology and Literature. Chris was the Administrator of the FISC Distance Learning Programme.
His interests include: narrative theology in biblical, Early Church, Medieval and modern cultural versions; Conversion stories as the spiritual journeys of individuals such as St. Paul, St. Augustine and St. Francis, and the community benefits of hearing these.
Chris has published articles on Frederic Ozanam, on the African theologian Mercy Amba Oduyoye, and on areas of potential dialogue between Franciscan theologians and Muslim thinkers in the thirteenth century. He is currently completing a book on the writings of Frederic Ozanam (from the FISC web-site).
With the close of the FISC, Chris has updated his email address: francsicans4goodnews AT gmail DOT com
We hope to continue our conversation with Chris in person.
These welcome donations are added to the other donations we received of neo gallican liturgical books listed here.