Central europe contributors
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central europe
Monastic contributions to the Classical Liturgical Movement.
St Peter, Salzburg, Austria
Klosterneuberg: Canons, Pius Parch CRSA (1884-1954), Klosterneuberg, Austria
English translations of some of Dr. Parsch’s works
The Liturgy of the Mass (Herder, 1940),
The Breviary Explained (Herder, 1952),
Know and Live the Mass (Catholic Book Pub. Co., 1952),
The Church’s Year of Grace (Liturgical Press, 1953),
Sermons on the Liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days (Bruce, 1953).
The Chapel of St Cecilia at Klosterneuberg was at the forefront of liturgical experimentation in the 1920’s and 1930’s

Central Europe
HUNGARY: Pannonhalma, Hungary