Need a library for the 21st Century?
Rebecca Abel can help you.
I can assist you make your library collection accessible and friendly to your patrons.
I can help you manage these goals:
- Determining the needs of your collection
- Selecting a catalogue program appropriate to your library, personnel and budget
- Installing and setting up the electronic catalogue with online access
- Cataloging, labeling and staff training
Rebecca Abel, OSB, MLS
- I am a Benedictine Sister of the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, Indiana.
- I hold a Master of Library Science, Ball State University 1975.
- I served as a Library Supervisor for the libraries of the Pontifical North American Library, Rome, Italy, 1996-2013.
- I served as Director of Media Services for the libraries of the Southeast Dubois County School Corporation, Ferdinand, Indiana, 1975-1996.
Contact information:
Rebecca Abel, OSB
Immaculate Conception Monastery
802 E 10th Street
Ferdinand, IN 47532
Phone: 1 (812) 367-1411 (central line)
Email: rabel AT thedome DOT org
Download flyer
Click here to download a flyer and then save describing how I can help you establish an online theological library catalogue.
Consultations given, works accomplished
St Bede Library, Institutum Liturgicum, London, UK
I helped establish the online catalogue at the St Bede Library, Ealing, London by doing the following in July 2013, 2014, 2015:
Establishing the system
- Visited and made an assessment of local needs and resources
- Established a relationship with the software provider
- Secured a web-hosting service
- Selected the program tailored to St Bede Library
- Advised on the purchase of the program and the service agreement
- Ensured that the appropriate hardware was purchased
- Supervised the establishment of Wi-Fi
- Recommended the library classification system
Beginning the process
- Began cataloging the collection
- Purchased office supplies locally such as labels and bar codes
- Applied labeling to the catalogued books
- Began to arrange the books on the shelves
- All admired the finished collection
Staff training
- Trained the staff in understanding how the system works
- Taught the staff how to catalogue books
- Instructed on how to post online
IT collaboration
- I collaborated with the web-hosting service provided by Dr. Michael McCarthy at WebPress Creative, Overland Park, Kansas
- Facilitated communications between IT personnel
- Assured on-line access to the catalogue
- Worked with IT personnel to ensure easy updating of the online catalogue
- Advised the IT personnel on establishing an online web-page
- All admire the 21st Century library
Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, Idaho
I accomplished the following during visits in 2013, 2014:
- Set up an on-line catalogue accessible from this page
- Trained cataloguers to continue the work
- Gave consultation for the renovation and expansion of the library building
- Continue to be available to the cataloguers and administrators
Contact Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB for reference and further information, find e-mail here.
Mount St. Scholastica Monastery, Atchison, Kansas (link)
I accomplished the following during a visit in 2014:
- Set up a local, on-line library catalogue accessible within the house
- Weeded the library collection, removing about 3,000 books no longer relevant to the collection
- Catalogued and processed a 10-year backlog of books
- Gave consultation for the reorganization of the library
- Trained users of the computer catalogue program
- Continue to be available to the cataloguers and administrators
Contact Sr. Kathleen Flanagan, OSB for reference and further information, find e-mail here.

St. Bede Abbey, Peru, Illinois
I accomplished the following during a visit in 2015:
- Moved books from three areas into one systematic collection
- Set up a computer catalogue which they chose not to make available online
- Began reclassifying holdings from Dewey to the Library of Congress
- Trained cataloguers to continue classifying the rest of the collection
- Continue to be available to the cataloguers and administrators
Contact Abbot Philip Davey, OSB (contact information here) or Fr. Michael Calhoun, OSB (contact information here), for reference and further information.

Glastonbury Abbey, Hingham, Massachusetts
I accomplished the following during a visit in 2014:
- Gave consultation toward determining a new catalogue program reorganizing the collection in a new place
- Relocated the local computer catalogue for greater accessibility for patrons and monks
- Wrote a proposal for future library development
- Continue to be available to the cataloguers and administrators
Contact Fr. Timothy Joyce (contact information here, under “retreat information”) for reference and further information.
Digital Reference Librarian
Catholic Distance University
Catholic Distance University is a completely online university offering catechetical and continuing education certification at the level of:
Associate’s Degree in Theology
Bachelor’s Degree in Theology
Master’s Degree in Theology
As Digital Reference Librarian, I contribute the following services:
- Assessment of CDU’s short term and long term library needs,
- Creation of training programs for faculty and staff on CDU library services,
- Managment of online databases,
- ensuring adequate library services for existing and future course offerings,
- fulfillment of student requests for library information, research and assistance.
10 August 2015 © revised 2019 Rebecca Abel