Across the Fence: A conversation between Dom Gregory Dix and Maurice Bevenot SJ
Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, D.P. McCarthy OSB – J.G. Leachman OSB
Transition in the Easter Vigil, £29.00
Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: Syllabus of Liturgical Formation for Those Setting Up Courses in Liturgy
Listen to the Word: Commentaries on Selected Opening Prayers of Sundays and Feasts with Sample Homilies, D.P. McCarthy OSB – J.G. Leachman OSB
Liturgical Latin: Its Origins and Character.
Ossa Latinitatis Sola, Reginaldus Forster OCD – Daniel Patricius McCarthy OSB
Rituale romanum: Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum.
Textus Liturgici Selecti Graeci et Latini
To arrange for a consultation contact: Anne O’Brien at
+44 (0)20 8862 2156
E-mail: info AT benedictine-institute DOT org
The library is located at the Benedictine Institute
edited JL 5 September 2019