Abbot Fernand Cabrol

Abbot Fernand Cabrol (1855-1937) of St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough.

Let us do justice to the foundational and pioneering work of the many in the last one hundred and fifty years who have been involved in this project of founding a monastery dedicated to the study and celebration of the liturgy.

Studies on Dom Cabrol

Dom A. Delaney, Dom Fernand Cabrol: First Abbot of Farnborough, St Michael’s
Abbey Press 2005.

Studies by Dom Cabrol
Dictionnaire  d’archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, ed. F. Cabrol, H. Leclercq and
H. Marrou, Letouzey, Paris 1907-1953

Reliquiae liturgicae vetustissimae, ed. F. Cabrol and H. Leclercq, 2 vols, Paris, 1900-13.
(Le Livre de la prière antique)

The Roman Missal, A. Mame & Sons; third edition. Lat. & Eng edition, 1925.

“Les Origines de la liturgie gallicane”, Revue d’histoire ecclesiastique 26 (1930) 960-961.

Day Hours of the Church according to the reforms of Pope Pius X, with a parallel
English version edited by the Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of Our Lady of
Consolation at Stanbrook in Worcestershire.  Introduction by the Right

Reverend F. Cabrol OSB, 1st edition, Burns, Oates & Washbourne, London 1921.

The Roman Breviary restored by the Council of Trent: an English version;

4 volumes – introduction by Abbot Fernand Cabrol, revised and edited by Ch.
Francis Brown, published in London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne,

Autumn & Winter volumes – 1936.

Spring & Summer volumes – 1937


The Books of the Latin Liturgy, tr. The Benedictines of Stanbrook, Sands & Co,

London – Herder, St. Louis, MO. 1932.

Liturgical Prayer 1922

La reforme du bréviare et du calendrier 1912

Also see:


© James Leachman, O.S.B.,  7 March 2011