Library catalogue search

Please note that the St Bede Library catalogue is in constant development. Volunteers have catalogued our collection, and we have posted our holdings. You may now search the catalogue by following the following link to the web-site.

St Bede Library catalogue search

Search the St Bede Library catalogue by clicking on the following image or going to this page.

this image is a link to the library catalogue search screen pictured

click on this image to go to the library search screen pictured

Entering a word or phrase into the search window and then indicate whether it is the name of an author, title etc. There is a link for contacting the library administrator if you need further help.

The collection is housed in the
St Bede Library
74 Castlebar Road,
Ealing, London W5 2DD, UK

To arrange for a consultation contact: Clare Cogswell at
+44 (0)208 862 2156
E-mail: il AT liturgyinstitute DOT org

The library is located at 74 Castlebar Road, London W5 2DD located here.