About St Bede library
Fr James Leachman OSB is the acting librarian and administrator
Sr Rebecca Abel OSB (Abbey of the Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, IN), who was librarian at the Pontifical North American College in Rome for 17 years, was acting librarian for the month of July 2013 and has continued to direct the library with Fr James ever since. Sr Rebecca Abel’s prioress has most generously agreed to allow Sr Rebecca to act as library consultant for the coming year and to be the St Bede library representative to ABTAPL.
The acting librarian and library consultant ensure that the St Bede library provides a satisfactory library service for the students and staff of the Benedictine Institute and especially the Institutum Liturgicum London.
Plans for April 2015 – August 2016:
We are continuing work our full library catalogue for on-line search capacity.
Much of the graduate liturgy collection is already available on-line here
Sr Rebecca will return in July-August 2016 to continue her generous work. We are very grateful to her Prioress for granting this permission.
Melody Mazuk helped organise the ABTAPL meeting in the building on 12 November 2015 and continues to assisted cataloguing
Librarian sought:
We have been looking for a part-time volunteer assistant librarians.
We are seeking volunteer assistant librarians with IT skills who will be able to manage the library’s good functioning and the good service offered to clients. It is not necessary that the volunteer assistant librarians hold a Library Management qualification. We do, however, expect an ability to collaborate well with other volunteer associate staff and with library users
Volunteer associate staff:
Our generous part-time volunteer staff are happy to answer questions, put books away and patiently work on cataloguing the collection.
Funding and donations:
In 2012 we received generous donations of new computers and software.
We need funding to transport donated books donated in Flanders to Ealing.
Please consider whether you are able to express your solidarity with financial support for this project click here for donation
We are always open to receive books, archives and periodicals on philosophy, theology, liturgy, Latin, evangelisation, spirituality, psychology, interfaith, music and crafts
entry for St Bede Library with Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 12 November 2016