
request accomodations at the Benedictine Institute

Benedictine Institute / College4Life

Where can I stay? According to your budget and preferences you may request accomodations in Ealing Abbey house for guests, or arrange your own accommodations in a rented apartment or nearby hostel or family in the neighbourhood. Men may inquire about staying in the Ealing Abbey Monastery and women may wish to stay in one of the several houses of women religious in the neighbourhood.

To enquire about accomodations, please contact Clare Cogswell, Registrar of the Institutum Liturgicum: clare AT benedictine-institute DOT org

Our address is:
74 Castlebar Road
Ealing, London W5 2DD
web-site here

Ealing Abbey
Charlbury Grove
Ealing, London W5 2DY
web-site here

edited JL 21 May 2016