Liturgical Books & Studies

These liturgical books form part of the general collection of the Institutum Liturgicum and are available for consultation upon apointment. This is not a lending part of the St Bede Library.


We are developing an on-line searchable data base of the holdings at the St Bede Library available here.

1 Peter, a Paschal liturgy

Abide with Us Lord, Mane nobiscum domine, Apostolic Letter

Actions and Words – Symbolic Language and the Liturgy

Active sharing in public worship: A commentary on the chief purpose of the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy’

Advent und Weihnachtszeit; Heilige: 30.11.-8.1.

Anamnesis 1: La Liturgia; Momento Nella Storia Della Salvezza

Anamnesis 1: La Liturgia. Panorama Storico Generale.

Anamnesis 2: La Liturgia. Panorama Storico Generale. Ana’mnesis

Anamnesis 3/1: La Liturgia, I Sacramenti: Teologia e Storia Della Celebrazione

Anamnesis 3/1: La Liturgia. I sacramenti

Anamnesis 3/2: La Liturgia. Eucaristia: Teologia e Storia Della Celebrazione

Anamnesis 5: La liturgia. Liturgia delle ore

Anamnesis 6: La Liturgia. L’Anno Liturgico

Anamnesis 7: la liturgia. I Sacramentali e le benedizioni

Anno liturgico. E Cristo stesso presente nella sua Chiesa

Antologia Liturgica: textos liturgicos, patristicos e canonicos do primiero milenio

Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus

The Apostolic Tradition: A Commentary

As It Was: Reminiscences and Prophecies

The Assisi Papers: Proceedings of the First International Congress of pastoral Liturgy, Assisi-Rome, September 18-22, 1956

At all Times and in all Places: A Syllabus for Liturgical Formation in the Church of England

At the Beginning of the New Millenium, Apostolic Letter, Novo Millennio Ineuente

At the Heart of Christian Worship: Liturgical Essays of Yves Congar

Augustine and the Catechumenate – copy 1

The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation

Baptism and Eucharist: Ecumenical Convergence in Celebration

Baptism in the New Testament

The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation

Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry

Baptismal Instructions

Basic Norms for Deacons (Formation; Ministry and Life)

BEL 11 Storia della liturgia attraverso le epoche culturali

BEL 13 Il culto cristiano in Occidente – copy 3 IL

BEL 63 Bibliografia liturgica

BEL 67 ILQ 1 The Publications of the Henry Bradshaw Society: (copy 3) An annotated bibliography with indexes

BEL 82 ILQ 5 Orbis liturgicus: (copy 3) Repertorium peritorum nostrae aetatis in re liturgica = who’s who in contemporary liturgical studies = repertoire des chercheurs contemporains …

Bible: New Jerusalem Bible

Biblia vulgata

Bishop Sarapion’s Prayer Book

Blessed and broken

A Brief Guide to the New Order of Mass

Can the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches Be Reconciled?

The canon of the Mass and liturgical reform

Canterbury and Rome

A Case of Conscience

Cassell’s Latin Dictionary: Latin-English, English-Latin copy 1

Catechesi prebattesimali e mistagogiche

Catechesi Tradendae, Exhortatio apostolica, Catechesis in Our Time

Catechism of the Catholic Church-Complete and Updated

Catechismo Della Chiesa Cattolica

Catholic & Ecumenical: History and Hope

Catholic Rites Today: Abridged Texts for Students

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 1. avvento

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 2. natale – epifania

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 3. quaresima

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 4. tempo pasquale

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 5. tempo ordinario

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 6. tempo ordinario

Celebrare Gesù Cristo: L’anno liturgico 7. tempo ordinario

Celebrating the Divine Mystery: A Primer in Liturgical Theology

Celebrating the Mass: Notes of guidance prepared by the Northampton Diocesan Liturgical Commission

Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: Syllabus of Liturgical Formation for Those Setting Up Courses in Liturgy

Celebrating the Rites of Adult Initiation: Pastoral Reflections

The Celebration of the Eucharist –

The Celebration of the Eucharist: The Origin of the Rite and the Development of Its Interpretation

Celebration: The Liturgy Handbook

A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal, 1963-1975

Changes in the Roman Missal and Breviary: The 1960 code of rubrics by John XXIII in English

Christ Acts through Sacraments

Christ in Sacred Speech: The Meaning of Liturgical Language

Christian Initiation

Christian Initiation: Baptism in the Medieval West

Christian Initiation: the Reformation Period

Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision

Christian Worship in East and West: A Study Guide to Liturgical History

Christian worship its origin and evolution. A study of the Latin Liturgy up to the Time of Charlemagne

Christifideles Laici, Exhortatio post-synodalia: Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful

The Church and Racism

The Church and the Churches

The Church at Prayer : Introduction to the Liturgy

The Church at Prayer 1: An Introduction to the Liturgy Principles of the Liturgy

The Church at Prayer 2: The Eucharist

The Church at Prayer 3: The Sacraments

The Church at Prayer 4: The Liturgy and Time

The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great

The Church’s Liturgy

The Churches The Apostles Left Behind

Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: Latin-English

Collectio Rituum pro diocesibus Civitatum Foederatarum Americae Septentrionalis

The Collects at Sunday Mass

Collins Gem French Dictionary

Collins Gem Italian Dictionary

Come si fa una tesi di laurea: le materie umanistiche

Comme Le Prevoit, Instruction on Translation of Liturgical Texts

Comme le Prévoit: Instruction on Translation of Liturgical texts

Commentaries: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, 1

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, 2

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, 3

A Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Communicare il vangelo in un mondo che cambia

Companion to the New Order of Baptism

Companion to the Ordo Missae

Compendio di Liturgia

A Compendious Syriac Dictionary

Concordance to the Greek New Testament

Concordantia et indices missalis romani

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Context and Text: Method in Liturgical Theology

Corso di Liturgia.

Corso di teologia sacramentaria vol. 1 – Metodi e prospettive

Corso di teologia sacramentaria vol. 2 – I sacramenti della salvezza

The Council and the Mass

The CTS New Catholic Bible

Cult and Controversy

Cultural Adaptation of the Liturgy

Dal Concilio di Trento al Movimento Liturgico: la lezione del Quietismo e del Giansenismo

Das Christliche Kult Mysterium

De Ecclesiae habitudine ad reliones non christianas

Declaration on Christian education, Declaration, De educatione Christiana

Declaration, Dominus Iesus

Der Herr ist der Geist: Studien zur Theologie Odo Casels I. Das Mysterium Christi

The Didache: A Commentary

The Didache: Text, Translation, Analysis, and Commentary

Didachè. Insegnamento degli apostoli

Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum

Die Zukunft der Liturgie

Directorium Generale pro Catechesi

Directorium, Pietà popolare e liturgia. Teologia, spiritualità, catechesi, cultura

The Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy: Principles and Guidelines–A Commentary

Direttorio Generale per la Catechesi

Direttorio per l’applicazione dei principi e delle norme sull’ecumenismo

Dizionario del movimento ecumenico

Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy

Dom Fernand Cabrol: First Abbot of Farnborough

Dottrina dei sacramenti

Doxology: The praise of God in worship, doctrine and life : a systematic theology

Dynamic Equivalence: The Living Language of Christian Worship

Early Christian Worship

Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers

Early Latin Hymns

The Early Liturgy to the Time of Gregory the Great

The Eastern Catholic Churches

The Eastern Christian Churches: A Brief Survey

The Eastern Orthodox Church: Its thought and life

Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivit, Encyclical Letter

Ecclesial Identity of the Thomas Christians

Ecumenismo e dialogo religioso

Ein blaues Band

Einführung in die Konfessionskunde der Orthodoxen Kirchen

Elements of Rite: A Handbook of Liturgical Style

Enchiridion euchologicum fontium liturgicorum: clavis methodologica cum commentariis selectis

Enchiridion patristicum: Loci SS.Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum

Encyclical Letter, Mediator Dei (20 November 1947): AAS 39

English Catholic worship

English in the Liturgy: Some aesthetic and practical problems

Enzyklika ‘Ut unum sint’

The Epistle to Diognetus

The Essential Guardini

Eucaristia per la Chiesa: prospettive teologiche sull’eucaristia

Eucaristia Sfida alle Chiese Divise

The Eucharist and Human Liberation

The Eucharist and Justice: Do this in memory of me

Eucharist and Offering

Eucharist and Politics

Eucharist, symbol of transformation

The Eucharist: Essence, Form, Celebration

The Eucharist: Sacrament of Unity

Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer

Eucharistia – Commento Ascetico-Morale al Canone della Messa

The Eucharistic Prayer a Study in the Canon Missae

The Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite

Eucharistic Theology

Evangelization in the Modern World, Exhortatio apostolica: Evangelii nuntiandi: On evangelization in the modern world

Faith and Reason: Encyclical Letter

Fede e cultura. Un rapporto cruciale e conflittuale

Fellow Christians at the Eucharist, Instructio

Fides et ratio. Lettera enciclica circa i rapporti tra fede e ragione

The Final Report

The First Catechetical Instruction: De catechizandis rudibus

Foundations of Liturgy: An Introduction to Its History and Practice

A Four Year Lectionary

From Exodus to Eucharist

From Silence to Participation: An Insider’s View of Liturgical Renewal

From Synagogue to Church: Public services and offices in the earliest Christian communities

The Full-Time Faculty Handbook

The Gallican Rite

Geschichte des Benediktinerkollegs St. Anselm in Rom: Von den Anfängen

The Gift of Authority: Authority in the Church III

Gildersleeve’s Latin Grammar

Go Forth in Peace: A Pastoral and Missionary Handbook

Gospel Spirituality and Catholic Worship: Integrating Your Personal Prayer Life and Liturgical Experience

Gottesdienst der Kirche, Tl.3, Gestalt des Gottesdienstes

Gottesdienst der Kirche, Tl.4, Eucharistie

Gottesdienst der Kirche, Tl.5, Feiern im Rhythmus der Zeit I

Greek New Testament (Castellano)

Growing in Newness of Life: Christian Initiation in Anglicanism Today

Guida pratica allo studio

Guide To The Lectionary

Hallelujah Highway : A History of the Catechumenate

Hebdoma sancta, volumen alterum: sectio 2 commentarius historicus

Hebdomada sancta, 1

His Presence in the World: A Study in Eucharistic Worship and Theology

A History of English Christianity, 1920-1985

Horae Diurnae

The House of God: Sacred Art and Church Architecture

How Firm a Foundation: Leaders of the Liturgical Movement, Vol 2

How not to say mass – a guidebook for all concerned about aithentic worship

Hymns of the Roman Liturgy

I ministeri nella Chiesa antica. Testi patristici dei primi tre secoli

I protestanti e l’Europa: La responsabilita cristiana nella costruzione della casa comune

I sacramenti segni del mistero di Cristo:penitenza e unzione degli nfermi

I verbi italiani

Il battesimo dei bambini. Questioni teologiche e strategie pastorali. Atti del Convegno di studio (1999)

Il cammino neocatecumenale: Neocatechumenale Iter Statuta

Il culto cristiano: Una prospettiva protestante

Il Libro della Preghiera Comune: e l’amministrazione dei Sacramenti e gli altri riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa

Il matrimonio cristiano: Studi biblici, teologici e pastorali : il nuovo rituale

Il peccatore e la penitenza nel medioevo

Il peccatore e la penitenza nella chiesa antica

Il Rinnovamento Liturgico come via all’Unità cristiana

Il Sacramentario di Ariberto (Bibliotheca del Capitolo metropolitano di Milano, ms D 3,2)

In the Beginning was the Word

An Inculturation Model of the Catholic Marriage Ritual

The Influence of the Lombard Invasions on the Gregorian Sacramentary

Initiation à la Priere

Initiation Services

Instruction on certain questions regarding the collaboration

Instruction on certain questions regarding the collaboration of the non-ordained

Instruction on Putting into effect the Sacred Cosntitution on the Liturgy

Instruction on the worship of the Eucharistic Mystery, Instructio

The Integral Human Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood

Into the Name of the Lord Jesus: Baptism in the Early Church

Introductio in Liturgiam Occidentalem

Introductio in Liturgiam Orientalem

Introduction aux Sources de L’Histoire du Culte Chretien au Moyen Age

Introduction to Liturgical Theology

Introduction to the Liturgy

Introduction to the Liturgy : Towards a Theology of Worship

Introductions to the Lessons: A Resourcebook for Lectors

Introduzione al Sacramentario Veronense di Mohlberg

Introduzione allo studio della liturgia

Jesus and the Eucharist

The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy

Johannes Chrysostomus – Taufkatechesen I

Johannes Chrysostomus – Taufkatechesen II

Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

A Key to the new Liturgical Constitution – An Alphabetical Analysis

L’adeguamento delle Chiese secondo la riforma liturgica. Nota pastorale

L’Eglise en Prière pt 1

L’Eglise en Prière pt 2

L’Eglise Orthodoxe

L’Essor du Christianisme Oriental

L’idea di sacrificio. Un approccio di teologia liturgica. Atti del Convegno (Trento, 23-24 maggio 2001)

L’iniziazione cristiana. 1 – Orientamenti per il catecumenato degli adulti. Nota pastorale

L’iniziazione cristiana. 3 – Orientamenti per il risveglio della fede e il completamento dell’iniziazione cristiana in età adulta. Nota pastorale

L’iniziazione cristiana. Battesimo e confermazione

L’intelligenza della liturgia

L’ora dell’ascolto. Lezionario biblico-patristico

La bellezza della liturgia

La catechesi degli adulti nella comunità cristiana. Alcune linee e orientamenti

La celebrazione cristiana del matrimonio: simboli e testi

La celebrazione Eucaristica: genesi del rito e sviluppo dell’interpretazione

La Confermazione

La Costituzione sulla sacra liturgia: testo – genesi – commento – documentazione

La liturgia della professione religiosa

La Liturgia delle Ore in Oriente e Occidente

La liturgia romana e l’inculturazione

La Messa prima e dopo San Pio V

La Penitenza fonti sull’origine della penitenza nella chiesa antica

La Penitenza riflessione teologica biblio storico pastorale

La Penitenza: studi biblici teologici e pastorali

La Pietà della Chiesa (Apostolato della Sacra Liturgia)

La Preghiera di Israele

La tradizione apostolica

La Unidad de Los Cristianos (1950-2000)

The Language of the Rite

A Latin Dictionary

Latinitatis christianorum primaeva. Studia ad sermonem latinum christianum pertinentia 12

Le catechesi battesimali

Le minoranze religiose in Italia

Le omelie

Le persone del Biblico (1909-2009)

Le renouveau liturgique: Une relecture

Le Sacramentaire Grégorien II

Learning to Worship

Lent and Holy Week: chapters on catholic observance and ritual

Les ancetres du Missale romanum, 1570

Les Liturgies de l’orient

Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass

Libelli Sacramentorum Romani

Liber sacramentorum paduensis (Padova, biblioteca capitolare, cod. D. 47)

Liddell & Scott Greek-English Lexicon, abridged

Lights in Darkness: Fore-Runners of the Liturgical Movement


Liturgia della Chiesa. Guida allo studio della liturgia nelle sue fonti antiche e recenti

Liturgia e arte. I luoghi della celebrazione

Liturgia e pensiero teologico recente: inaugurazione del Pontificio Instituto Liturgico.

Liturgia e Vita

Liturgia et Bellezza: Nobilis Pulchritudo

Liturgia Historica

Liturgia Monastica de las Horas: Teologia y celebracion

Liturgia: seu Liber Precum Communium

Liturgiam authenticam, Instruction (5th), De usu linguarum popularium in libris liturgiae romanae edendis.

Liturgical Formation in Seminaries: A commentary

Liturgical Inculturation: Sacramentals, Religiosity, and Catechesis

Liturgical Latin: Its Origins and Character.

The Liturgical Movement and the Local Church

Liturgical piety

The Liturgical Subject: (copy 1) Subject, Subjectivity, and the Human Person in Contemporary Liturgical Discussion and Critique

Liturgical Theology: A Primer

Liturgie und Leben

Liturgies d’Orient: Rites et Symboles

Liturgies Eastern and Western, Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Liturgies of the Church; Volume 1: Eastern Liturgies: Syrian, Egyptian, Persian, Byzantine Rites

Liturgies of the Future

Liturgisches Erbe und pastorale Gegenwart. Pastoral Liturgy

Liturgy and Doctrine: The doctrinal basis of the Liturgical Movement

Liturgy and Hermeneutics

The Liturgy and Ritual of The Celtic Church

Liturgy for the Filipino Church: talks by A.J. Chupngco

Liturgy in a Postmodern World

The Liturgy of the Hours

The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West: The Origins of the Divine Office and Its Meaning for Today

The Liturgy of the Hours: General Instruction with Commentary – copy 1

Liturgy, the Life of the Church

The Liturgy: Renewal and Adaptation – Liturgical Reform in the RC Church:

The Liturgy: Renewal and Adaptation – Liturgical Reform in the Roman catholic Church: all major documents on the Liturgy, with commentary

Living Liturgy

Looking at the Liturgy: A Critical View of Its Contemporary Form

Mane nobiscum Domine: Lettera apostolica di Giovanni Paolo II

Mane nobiscum nobis 2nd copy

Manual of Ceremonies for the use of the Catholic Churches in the United States of America

The Mass – Ancient Liturgies and Patristic Texts

Mass and the Lord’s Supper

The Mass of The Roman Rite, Its Origins and Development, Volume I

The Mass of The Roman Rite, Its Origins and Development, Volume II

Mean What You Say: On the Short Responses in the Mass

Meeting Mystery: Liturgy, Worship, Sacraments

Messale romano

Metodologia. avviamento alla tecnica del lavoro scientifico

The Ministry of Reconciliation

Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church: Its History and Theolog

Missale ambrosianum (1981)

Missale Aquileyensis Ecclesiae (1517)

Missale Romanum (1880)

Missale Romanum (1970)

Missale Romanum (1975)

Missale Romanum (2002)

Missale romanum: Lectionarium I De tempore: ab adventu ad pentecostem

Missale romanum: Lectionarium II Tempus per annum post pentecosten

Missale romanum: Lectionarium III pro missis de sanctis, ritualibus, ad diversa, votivis et defunctorum

Missale Romanum: Preces eucharisticae et praefationes

Models of the Church

Modern Eucharistic Agreement

The Modern Researcher

Molte chiese cristiane, un’unica chiesa di Cristo: Corso di ecumenismo

Music at Funerals: Pastoral Guidelines for the preparation of funeral liturgies

Music in the Liturgy: A Directory and List of Approved Music for the Sung Liturgy

Mysterion: Miscellanea liturgica in occasione dei 70 anni dell’Abate Salvatore Marsili

The Mystery of Christian Worship

The Mystery of Christian Worship and other writings

The New Catholic Burial Liturgy: complete Funeral Mass with Prayers preceding and following, including a Vigil for the Deceased

New Handbook of Pastoral Liturgy

The New Liturgy – A Comprehensive Introduction to the New Liturgy as a whole and to its New Calendar, Order of Mass, Eucharistic prayers, the Roman Canon, Prefaces and the New Sunday Lectionary

The New Mass: a Pastoral Guide

Niceta of Remesiana: His Life and Work

Norme tipografiche per la composizione dei testi con il computer

Notitiae: Collects Advent-Christmas

Notitiae: Prefaces

Novo Millennio Ineunte

Nuovo corso di dogmatica vol. 2

Nuovo Dizionario di Liturgia

Nuptial Blessing: A Study of Christian Marriage Rites

Observations on the Final Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission

The Office of Holy Week in Latin and English

The Old service-books of the English church

On Common Ground: Story of the Revised Common Lectionary

On Pascha and Fragments

On the Apostolic Tradition

On the Way: Integrated Approach to Christian Initiation

One Bread, One Body: Teaching Document

One in 2000?: Towards Catholic-Orthodox Unity

Opening Prayers: Scripture Related Collects – Years A, B and C from the Sacramentary

The Orations of the Vatican II Missal. Policies for revision

Orazionale per la preghiera dei fedeli

Order for the celebration mass and liturgy hours 2011-2012

The Order of the Third Sanctification

The Order to be Observed in the Celebration of Mass and the defects occurring in the Celebration of Mass

Ordinary of the Mass in Eight Languages

Ordo hebdomadae sanctae instauratus

Orientale Lumen, Apostolic Letter.

Origines du Culte Chretien. Etude sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne

The Orthodox Liturgy: Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite

An Orthodox Prayer Book

Our Changing Liturgy

Our Tongues were Loosed – Parish Experiences in the Liturgical Renewal

Parish Funerals: A Guide to the Order of Christian Funerals

The Parish Mass: A Resource book for Clergy, Religious and Laity – Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales CTS London 1981

Paschatis sollemnia. Studien zur Osterfeier und Osterfrömmigkeit

The Passover Haggadah

Pastoral Liturgy

Pastores dabo vobis, Exhortatio post-synodalia

Pastores dabo vobis, Exhortatio Post-synodalia. 2nd copy


Patterns in Comparative Religion

The Pelican Guide to Modern Theology, Volume II Historical theology

Personal Prayer and the Liturgy

The Pilgrimage of Etheria

Pionieri del Movimento Liturgico: Cenni storici

The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer

Pocket Ritual

The Poetry of the Eucharist

Pontificale Romanum (ex), Ritus Benedictionis et Impositis Primarii Lapidis, Consecrationis Ecclesiae et Altarium

Pontificale Romanum (ex), Ritus Consecrationis Ecclesiae iuxta Pontificale ROmanum cum cantu

Pontificale romanum 1828

Pontificale romanum: De ordinatione diaconi, presbyteri et episcopi

A Popular Guide to the New Mass

Pour bien comprendre la Messe

Pour une theologie ecumenique: Eglise et sacrements, eucharistie et ministeres, la Vierge Marie

Prayer Book for Jewish Personnel in the Armed Forces of the United States

Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed

Presence of Christ in the Gathered Assembly

The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection

Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology

A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin

Proclamare la parola di Dio: formazione biblica, liturgica e tecnica del lettore

Progetto Liturgico: Guida pratica liturgica al riadattamento delle chiese

Progress Report on ICEL Roman Missal

Psalm Prayers for Morning and Evening Prayer

Questioning the Validity of Masses using the new, All-English Canon

The Reception of the Chalice: Its revival

Redemptionis sacramentum. Instructio,

Redemptionis sacramentum. Instructio, Istruzione su alcune cose che si devono osservare ed evitare circa la santissima eucaristia

Redemptoris Missio, Litterae Encyclicae.

Reference Grammar of Modern Italian

The Reform of the Liturgy: 1948-1975

Reformation and Modern Rituals and Theologies of Baptism: From Luther to Contemporary Practices

Reformation Thought: An Introduction

Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School: Guidelines for Reflection and Renewal

Reliving Vatican II

Rendere grazie. MIscellanea eucaristica per il 70o. compleanno

A Rereading of the Renewed Liturgy

Response of the Holy See to the Final Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, 1982

Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-century Catholic Theology (Hardback)

The Revised Common Lectionary: Pew edition

The Revised Common Lectionary: The Consultation on Common Texts

Revising the Rite of Adult Initiation 1 and 2

Revising the Rite of Adult Initiation 3, appendices

The Revival of the Liturgy

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: What Is Is and How It Works

The Rite of Concelebration of Mass and of Communion under both species;: History, texts in English, and commentaries

The Rites of Christian Initiation: Their Evolution and Interpretation

Rites of Justice: The Sacraments and Liturgy As Ethical Imperatives

Rites of the Catholic Church, vol 1

Rites of the Catholic Church, vol 2

Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity

The Ritual of the New Testament: An essay on the principles and origin of Catholic ritual in reference to the New Testament

Rituale monasticum:

Rituale ordinis praedicatorum: Ordo professionis ritus

Rituale romano: Rito della penitenza – copy 1

Rituale romanum: De benedictionibis

Rituale romanum: De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibsquam

Rituale romanum: Ordo baptismi parvulorum – copy 1

Rituale romanum: Ordo celebrandi matrimonium (1972) – copy 2

Rituale romanum: Ordo exsequiarum – copy 1

Rituale romanum: Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum – 1974 1

Rituale romanum: Ordo paenitentiae (1974) ed. typ. copy 1

Rituale romanum: Ordo unctionis infirmorum – copy 1

Rituels: Mélanges offerts au Père Gy OP

Ritus Pontificalis: ordinis hebdomadae sanctae instaurati

The roman liturgy and inculturation. 4th Instruction for the right application of the conciliar constitution on the liturgy (nn. 37-40)

The Roman martyrology

The Roman Missal (1973) copy 1

The Roman Ritual: Anointing the Sick, A Study in Pastoral Liturgy

The Roman Ritual: Consultation on revision: Rite of Funerals

The Roman Ritual: Order for Christian Funerals

The Roman Ritual: Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Anointing/Pastoral Care of the Sick – copy 1

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – A Study Book

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – The Final text with commentaries

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Study Edition: Complete text of the rite together with additional rites approved for use in the dioceses of the United States of America

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Study edition – provisional text

The Roman Ritual: Rite of Penance, Approved Roman Ritual for Use in England, Wales and Scotland

The Romanian Orthodox Church

The Romanization tendency

Romano Guardini: Proclaiming the Sacred in a Modern World

Rome and the Vernacular

The Sacramental Life: Gregory Dix and his Writings

Sacramental Theology

Sacramentarium Bergomense (Biblio S. Alessandro in Colonna, ms saec. IX)

The Sacramentary (proposed) 1997, vol 1

The Sacramentary (proposed) 1997, vol 2

Sacramento dell’unità. Eucaristia e Chiesa

Sacraments & Sacramentality

Sacraments and Sacramentals

Sacraments of Life: Life of the Sacraments

Sacramentum caritatis, Exhortatio apostolica

The Sacred and the Profane: the nature of religion

Saint Andrew Daily Missal (Latin – English)

Sant’Anselmo saggi storici e di attualità

Saying Amen: A Mystagogy of Sacrament

Schede di Storia della Chiesa: la Chiesa nell’Età moderna

Scientia Liturgica. manuale di Liturgia. 1: Introduzione alla liturgia

Scientia Liturgica. Manuale di Liturgia. 2: liturgia fondamentale

Scientia Liturgica. Manuale di Liturgia. 3: L’Eucaristia.

Scientia Liturgica. Manuale di Liturgia. 4: sacramenti e sacramentali

The Search for Christian Unity: A Popular Version of the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism

The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship

The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy

The Second Session: The Debates and Decrees of Vatican Council II


Services of Baptism and Confirmation

The Shape of Baptism: The Rite of Christian Initiation

The Shape of the Liturgy

Shaping the Christian message: Essays in religious education

Sharing Faith: A Comprehensive Approach to Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry : The Way of Shared Praxis

A Short History of the Western Liturgy: An Account and Some Reflections

A Short-Title English Liturgical Bibliography

A Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer

Smith’s English-Latin Dictionary

Specimen examinis ordinandorum

The Spirit of the Liturgy

Spiritualità liturgica

Spiritualità liturgica. «Offrite i vostri corpi come sacrificio vivente santo e gradito a Dio»

Spirituality: Forms, Foundations, Methods

ST 226 Le Pontifical Romano-Germanique du Dixième Siècle: le texte I

ST 227 Le Pontifical Romano-Germanique du Dixième Siècle: le texte II

ST 269 Le Pontifical Romano-Germanique du Dixième Siècle: Introduction générale et Tables III

St Ambrose On the Sacraments and On the Mysteries

Storia del matrimonio cristiano alla luce della bibbia 1: la celebrazione del matrimonio

Storia della liturgia. Le grandi tappe

Storia Liturgica 1: Introduzione generale

Storia Liturgica 2: L’anno liturgico: Il Breviario

Storia Liturgica 3: L’Eucaristia

Storia Liturgica 4: Sacramenti, sacramentali, indici

The Story of a Parish: Holy Redeemer Pershore, 75 years

The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580

Studies in Ceremonial: Essays Illustrative of English Ceremonial

Studies of the Syrian Liturgies

The Study of Liturgy: copy 1 IL

Sul sentiero dei sacramenti. Scritti in onore di Ermanno Roberto Tura nel settantesimo

The Sunday Collects simply explained

The Sunday Missal: copy 1

Teach Yourself Arabic

Tertio Millennio Adveniente, Apostolic Letter

Tertullian’s Treatise concerning Prayer, Concerning Baptism

Tesi di laurea edite ed inedite 1962-1998 (PIL) – copy 3

Testi liturgici “voce della chiesa”. Confronto tra le due istruzioni della Santa Sede, ‘Comme le prevoit’ e liturgiam authenticam

Textus Liturgici Selecti Graeci et latini

Theological Dimensions of the Liturgy

A Theology of Eucharistic Sacrifice

The Theology of Vatican II

They Shaped our Worship: Essays on Anglican Liturgists: copy 2

To Give Thanks and Praise: Introduction to the Roman Missal: copy 1

To Hear and Proclaim: Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass With Commentary for Musicians and Priests: copy 1

To Join Together: The Rite of Marriage

Tous schismatiques?

Traditio et progressio: Studi in onore di Adrien Nocent

Travaux liturgiques de doctrine et d’Histoire: 3 Histoire, Varia – L’Assomption

Treasures from the Storeroom: Medieval Religion and the Eucharist

Understanding the General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Understanding the Mass

Understanding the Prayer of the Church

Understanding the Roman Missal – the New Translation -copy 1

Understanding the Roman Missal – the New Translation -copy 2

Understanding the Sacraments

Unitatis Redintegratio 1964-1974: The Impact of the Decree on Ecumenism

Ut unum sint. Litterae encyclicae de oecumenico officio

Vade mecum ad infirmos pro Missionariis Americae Sept.

Varietates legitimae: The Roman liturgy and inculturation

Vatican Council II, Vol 1: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, Study Edition

Vatican Council II, Vol 2: More Post-Conciliar Documents

Vatican II and the collects for ordinary time: a study in the Roman Missal (1975)

Vatican II: La liturgie après Vatican II

Vatican II: The Liturgy Constitution copy 1

Verbum Domini: Exhortatio post-synodalia in Verbum Dei

Veritatis splendor, Litterae Encyclicae

Vers l’autonomie psychique

Veterum Sapientia, Latin – the Language of the Church – Apostolic Constitution of Blessed John XXIII. London: CTS 1962 (translated by ) 5×7 16pp.

Vie, mort, résurrection

Vigesimus quintus annus

Vigesimus quintus annus, (Love Your Mass): Apostolic Letter on the 25th Anniversary of the Publication of the Constitution on the Liturgy

Vita nello Spirito e celebrazione eucaristica. Note di spiritualità liturgica

Vom Geist der Orthodoxie

We Gather in Christ: Our Identity as Assembly

The Weekday Missal

The Wellspring of Worship

The Western Liturgy and its History

What have you done to your homeless brother?

When Other Christians Become Catholic

A Word in Season: Readings for the Liturgy of the Hours – V

A Word in Season: Readings for the Liturgy of the Hours – VI

Worship in a Hidden Church

Worship in the New Testament

Worship in Transition: The Liturgical Movement in the Twentieth Century

Worship with One Accord: Where Liturgy and Ecumenism Embrace

Worship: New Century Theology

Worship: Progress and Tradition

Worship: Reforming Tradition

Writing in the Computer Age: Word Processing Skills and Style for Every Writer

Created using Bookpedia

The collection is housed in the
St Bede Library of the
Institutum Liturgicum
74 Castlebar Road,
Ealing, London W5 2DD, UK

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